Friday, August 26, 2011


So, as you have most likely noticed, I have not written in a long time or posted anything in a long time, so here goes.

I began writing a new story after I realized that the reason I was having so much difficulty writing in the first place was because the story I was currently writing was very similar to a story I had already written. So I'm trying something else. I'm also just letting my hands type away and let the story goes where ever it wants to go: I'm not going to make happen what I want to see happen. Whatever happens happens. Hopefully it comes together and makes sense in the end. I'm not very far. This is what has happened thus far.

Beatrix, daughter of wealthy parents, has multiple personality disorder, though since I'm writing it, it's set in the middle ages, and therefore everyone thinks she's weird, and so her parents have kept her hidden for the sake of their reputation. Her sister, who is currently unnamed, is a criminal who helped assassinate the King and now wants to assassinate the Queen.

I know it doesn't sound like much, but we'll see what happens. Nothing is guaranteed.

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